Marketwatch - 27/04/2024 23:34  

My late aunt gave her husband a life tenancy in her home — but her attorney won’t even let us see the will. Is this a bad sign?

“When she died, we were told by her attorney that we were responsible for the taxes and property insurance during the time when the life tennant lives in the home.'
Quentin Fottrell
[Read more]
“When she died, we were told by her attorney that we were responsible for the taxes and property insurance during the time when the life tennant lives in the home.' “Part of my job was to negotiate and sign contracts on behalf of the organization, such as hotel points.' [Read more]
“They were always thick as thieves, and we were never what you would call close, but I never would have suspected them of this.' [Read more]
“I processed a $50 copay, and attended my appointment with the psychiatrist. It went fast, and every time I asked a question about antidepressants, he popped a medical study in the chat box.' [Read more]
“The biggest surprise when we got married was that my husband's family saw me as a paycheck, even though they are all educated.' [Read more]