Npr - 06/05/2024 23:30  

Transgender bathroom bills are back, gaining traction after past boycotts

Blowback from companies and institutions was fierce after North Carolina passed transgender bathroom restrictions. But states haven't felt as much heat after several bills easily passed.

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Blowback from companies and institutions was fierce after North Carolina passed transgender bathroom restrictions. But states haven't felt as much heat after several bills easily passed. McCloskey's story has both deep roots and burgeoning relevance. He died this month at 96 and had long been out of the limelight, but the issues he had be [Read more]
A helium leak pushed back a planned launch to May 25. Boeing's program that would shuttle astronauts to and from the International Space Station has been plagued with problems. [Read more]
Benny Gantz, a centrist member of Israel's three-member war cabinet, threatened to resign from the government if it doesn't adopt a new plan within three weeks. [Read more]
The handwritten restaurant napkin from the year 2000 was the starting point for an agreement between the then 13-year-old Messi and FC Barcelona. [Read more]